We Bring To You Real Life Stories, Real People Who Had Faced Real Challenges In Life But Were Able to Overcome Such Challenges And In Spite Of Those Challenges Have gone on To Achieve Some Greatness which Today Leaves a Lesson For You and I To Learn from While Facing Our Individual Life's Challenges.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Don't Give Up, The Storm Will Be Over...


A Lady was driving along with her father.
They came upon a storm and the young lady
asked her father, "What shall I do?"
He said "keep driving"....Cars began to pull over
to the side, the storm was getting worse.

"What should I do". The young lady asked?
"Keep driving", her father replied. On up a few feet
she noticed that eighteen wheelers were also
pulling over. She told her dad, "I must pull over,
I can barely see ahead.
It is terrible & everyone is pulling over!

Her father told her,
"Don't give up", just keep driving!"
Now the storm was terrible, but she NEVER stopped
driving & soon she could see a little more clearly.
After a couple of miles she was again
on dry land and the sun came out.

Her father said,
"Now you can pull over" and get out"
She said "But why now?" He said
"When you get out, look back at all the people
that gave up and are still in the storm,
because you NEVER gave up,

This is a testimony for anyone who is going
through "hard times" just because everyone else,
even the strongest gives up.
You don't have to.....
if you keep going, soon your storm will be over
and the sun will shine upon your face again.

But If You Give up because of the Raging Storm,
You Might Never get Over it and Many 
Precious years might be wasted while waiting 
for the Storm to be abated.

Its Time To Face Your Storms and Let It Know 
How Faith Stocked You are and Don't Give Up
Cause The Storm will be Over and that Pretty Soon...

Life's Storms are Inevitable and are expedient
If we Must have a Story to tell,

Little Wonder why the Word Story
comes just immediately after the word Storm.
and few words before storm you will see the word Stop.

If you stop because of the storm Ahead of you,
You will never have a story to tell or 
leave for your generation to share.

Its Time To Face The Storm Bravely and 
Never You Give Up Cause Your Storms will Soon Be Over.
Join Me Today And Lets Stroll in the Midst Of Our Storms.

Cause there is One who is bigger than the storm. 
And the psalmist reminds us that, 
“He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind. 
He makes winds his messengers, 
flames of fire his servants.” (Psalm 104:3-4)
And He is Our Father and King
A Shelter in the Time Of Storm.

Hope this lifts you up like it lifted me.
GOD Bless.

Delords Austin.


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